okay, seriously… this seems to be my favorite phrase lately.
here's just a few reasons I CAN'T WAIT to move back stateside…
- internet speed that is lightning fast
- my friends & family & the wonderful support they provide
- stores that are open 24/7
- Ted's Cafe Escondido (my Oklahoma peeps will appreciate this one)
- endless food & restaurant variety
- a little thing called shopping heaven
- having storage in my house & let's not forget to mention closets!!
- the sound of rolling thunder (and maybe a little storm chasing…)
- being a homeowner again
- Target (isn't this everyone's?)
- I'll be able to remember phone numbers again!!
- cable television (seriously I may never leave my house again)
- there's a store for literally everything
- having a dog door
- crushed ice
- tinted car windows
- a REAL furniture store with items made of wood - not plastic or laminate
- pay at the pump (this one may come close to the top of the list)
- air conditioning
- money bills that are all the same size (I mean really…)
- mail & packages coming to my front door (super exciting stuff!!!)
- a venti skinny cinnamon dolce latte with lite whip, mmmm…
- lean cuisine's sante fe rice & beans (I hope they never discontinue it!)
- those pretty twinkling Christmas lights decorating trees & houses
- good old Hobby Lobby
- the autobahn & the fact that the left lane is used only for passing
- Paris being two hours away
- beer being cheaper on the menu than water
- my favorite flea market (a few tears are being shed over this one)
- the gorgeous green, & forests that reach up to the heavens
- the prettiest, most colorful window boxes I've ever seen!
- festivals & Christmas markets (ooh & yummie glühwein!)
- traveling Europe on a whim
- minivans flying past me when I'm doing 100mph (it's pretty funny)
- being able to take Grace with me pretty much everywhere
- seeing those sweet older couples stroll hand in hand
- fresh food markets & being able to walk to them
- public transportation (haha, never thought this would be one)
- seriously the best strawberries I've ever tasted from my corner vendor
- how crazy they are about their soccer here
- environmental respect & awareness
- did I mention the autobahn?
- sidewalk cafés
- floor heating & the fact that heating can be controlled room by room
- the wonderful fresh bread & bakeries located on every corner
- my kickass basement
- the way the doors & windows vent & open, not to mention rolladens
- seeing cars pull boats & horse trailers… it's crazy!
- German mustard, it's yummie delicious!!
- roundabouts
So what did I miss? What would you add to these lists?
Oh & did I mention our stateside move will be taking place TOMORROW?? Where did the time go? It has definitely snuck up on us… so goodbye Germany, for now.
Auf Wiedersehen!!