
Saturday, April 11, 2015

week 12

one good deed a day

an ongoing journal of a few good deeds throughout this year

78. apr 2. say good morning to your coworkers everyone along your morning walk/route » Make eye contact and say hello!  Last lap?  Wish them a good day!
79. apr 3. ask a friend who seems down to go for a walk » or to come hang out and chat, or join you for a cup of coffee out.  Sometimes just telling them you are there for them may be exactly what they need to hear.
80. apr 4. find ways to help others avoid embarrassment » It's as simple as politely telling someone they have something in their teeth.
81. apr 5. sign up for a run or walk that supports a special cause » Every year I look forward to the Redbud Classic and it's almost that time again!  This year's beneficiary is the Boys & Girls Clubs of Oklahoma County.
82. apr 6. encourage somebody » I'm currently helping a friend with her blog, and while proofreading, I discovered a sweet comment in her post-  You encourage me to do better every day.  So sweet.  Really needed to hear this today.  It made me smile.
83. apr 7. look into the eyes of the person you are talking with » I sometimes catch my eyes wandering, but I find there is so much more sincerity in good eye contact, so I am working on this.
84. apr 8.  make someone laugh » or better yet, make a lot of people laugh!!  This was easily accomplished by sharing a few pics of a funny moment in our household with a few friends.

"chicken little" showing off her cat-like skills… 

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