
Friday, April 3, 2015

week 11

one good deed a day

an ongoing journal of a few good deeds throughout this year

71. mar 26. befriend someone new » We are lucky that our days have been filled with doggie playdates for the new foster pup.  It's really cute watching her play and interact with other dogs, not to mention it is also great for keeping her socialized!  There is a family I met on my many walks with Grace that also has a weim.  Our girls just love to run and play… we often end up hanging out for hours, not realizing where the time has gone.  Their friendship has been a wonderful find!
72. mar 27. leave a nice comment on your friend's blog, facebook wall, or twitter feed » My cousin is climbing Everest.  You heard me.  Mt. EVEREST.  It will be a two month journey, you can follow here.  I am so proud of her drive, determination, and overall dedication.  Her goal is to raise awareness, to empower Nepali girls, and to put a stop to human trafficking.  Please, if this is near & dear to your heart, considering donating.
73. mar 28. find two days this year when you can donate your time » Okay folks, this one will make your heart happy.  First find something you are passionate about and then go help!  For me… well I love animals (I'm guessing no one knew this, yes? wink wink).  While volunteering with Heartland Weimaraner Rescue, I am able to do exactly what I enjoy (helping weimies, anything graphic or computer related, designing stuff, and the list goes on…).  So figure out what your skills are & find a group… I promise it won't actually feel like work & sharing the load helps everybody!
74. mar 29. add a few plants to your bedroom back patio » Making my time out in the sun with my family just a little more pretty!  (And chances are, the plants will live much longer out there than in my house… haha.)

I usually use these cuties as a perimeter border around my front planter bed.

75. mar 30. choose a glass of water instead of another coffee » not always easy… I know.
76. mar 31. take your dad parents out for lunch » beautiful day for a patio visit, and lakeside too! The hubby's family often take turns visiting this time of year during their travels, and we are lucky to live about halfway along their routes!
77. apr 1. start a composting program at your building, school, or home » Really happy we finally started composting last year, and that my hubby is completely on board.  We just used our first batch of our own compost this past weekend when planting this year's garden!  It will be really gratifying knowing that this year's harvest will have been fertilized from last year's "waste."  But you shouldn't compost everything… Here's a guide we found useful: what you can and cannot compost.

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