
Thursday, February 12, 2015

week 6

one good deed a day

an ongoing journal of a few good deeds throughout this year

36. feb 5. offer to give your loved one a massage » Not sleeping well has taken its toll, so tonight rather than just watching my hubby use a heating pad, I offered up a neck massage (followed by a back scratching, of course).
37. feb 6. deliver something small and sweet to everyone on your team your mom - midafternoon, just when everyone's energy wanes because it's her favorite » Mmmmmarzipan.  There is likely no better treat on the planet I tell you.  And considering it was my mom who introduced me to the delectable goodness so much earlier in my childhood…  Well, let's just say when I discovered it inside a pastry from a fantastic local bakery, I immediately purchased another & decided to deliver it to her office on a whim & for absolutely no reason at all!  And considering I had not yet decided on a good deed for today… I was happy to find this one in the book.  Just needed a few tweaks (and since I don't currently have any co-workers…), it worked perfectly!
38. feb 7. pick up the tab » Have gift cards just sitting there, collecting dust, waiting to be used?  How about sharing the meal with your family or friends, and treating them to a night out…
39. feb 8. get some exercise » Running has always been my go-to when I'm feeling overwhelmed, or when I just need to work things out in my head.  It's been almost a month since I've had a workout of any kind, so I took today as a kinda first step in getting back out there.
40. feb 9. take your neighbor's trash bins in off the curb » I can do that.
41. feb 10. tell someone she is appreciated » some people are just a breath of fresh air… maybe it's because they have life experiences which give them a unique perspective, or maybe they just prefer joy & positivity.  Either way- tell them.  It could make their day, just like their kindness made yours…
42. feb 11. stop and look around » At the gym today, I was feeling a bit frustrated waiting on a machine hog.  I like to keep my heart rate up and complete circuits quickly, you see.  But if I hadn't decided to stand there, and wait, well then I wouldn't have seen this very important message someone took the time to share on the chalk wall: When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down "happy."  They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life.


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