
Sunday, December 4, 2011


With the week of Thanksgiving (and yes, we're posting a tad late, 
but everyone deserves a break, and it was a holiday after all…)  
Well, we decided what could be better than the theme "thankful?"  
and I am thankful for so many things…
Grace seems to be doing much better, although she's been a bit mopey the last few days, which I'm hoping is due to the fact that her dad has been gone for a bit now.  And even though he does seem to be away from us more so since we've moved here… he was able to be here for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Some families may not have been so lucky.  Being away from family is especially hard during the holidays.  So to all the men & women out there away from home…
I'm incredibly thankful to you for serving our country & protecting our freedoms.
Thinking of you, may you all return home safely.

week eighteen :: thankful
Laura :: me

1 comment:

because your comments make me happy…