
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the afternoon hours...

during week eight I traveled by train to Bad Dürkheim's Wine Festival,
where I spent the afternoon hours watching men in lederhosen play their instruments in front of our table, where couples danced right there in the aisles… where we tasted the local wine, and the food did not disappoint… where my hubby ate the hottest currywurst he's ever tasted (and that's saying something my friends) they even made him sign a release!!  where the carnival rides were all around us, beckoning with the delight of children's laughter… and where all in all the day was beautiful, even with the tiny sprinkling of predictable German weather.

As the week progressed, I spent my afternoon hours taking my sweet Grace in for a checkup and her shots… you see she is my lumpy bumpy girl, and has had a long history of lipomas (or fatty lumps) throughout her eleven years.  The vet decided it would be best to remove this one, and we scheduled the surgery for the next day.  All went well, and I took a very sedated "Beans" home that afternoon (don't ask me why, but that's the latest term of endearment we have for her in a long line of nicknames).  The next day my hubby left for a scheduled work trip, and it seemed Grace was getting back to her normal self already… another day passed uneventfully, but the following morning I woke up to find a very swollen girl.  So starts my weekend… I took her back to the vet, and when I had to walk away and leave her there again, her cry broke my heart.  I had a mini melt down that day.  Thankfully skype let me call my hubby during that moment.  And I would have been even more of a mess if it wasn't for a few wonderful friends who understand that my Gracie isn't just a dog… she's my baby.  She now has a temporary "drain."  She's had one before, and they look pretty awful… but it's worked in the past.  The plan is to have it removed today, and then healing can work its magic.  The days and nights have been long, and I'm currently on "stitches watch"… but at the moment, she's sleeping comfortably right here next to me, which makes for a very happy Nelou.

so I'm posting a bit late, but with an image that reminds me of joy & laughter, which is exactly what I need right now… 

the afternoon hours
me :: Laura

As for next week, I'm hoping all goes well with her recovery.  
There may be a slight delay in posting week nine,
not to mention Laura & I being in two different time zones… 
but I'm looking forward to being back on schedule real soon!    
Thanks so much for stopping by.
I hope you're all enjoying a bit of Fall and some cooler weather.  
til next time… 


because your comments make me happy…